Become a Methow Arts Member and Support the Arts in our Community!
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Your donation supports new and enhanced programs including a vibrant Resource Center for both ARTists and ART Organizations.
Art changes lives.
Our vision is of a community in which all community members benefit from arts engagement, and every community recognizes and celebrates its aspiration and achievements through the arts. Since 1983 Methow Arts has been successful in creating programs that have brought beauty and joy to our schools, our community, our trails, our parks, and our hearts.
#accesstoimagination #methowarts #makingarthappen
- Renew your membership in Methow Arts. A recurring monthly or one-time gift will make a big difference for our students and community. Recurring gifts are especially effective.
- Become a sponsor or advertiser of Methow Arts. Connecting your business with our organization is great exposure for both of us. Event Sponsors are mentioned from the stage at our performances, at all schools, in articles and on posters.
- Spread the word. Become an arts advocate. Tell your friends how important Methow Arts programs are for children of all ages in our community. Advocate for more art during the school day and in our community.
Thank you for your continued support of the ARTS. Your membership has enabled us to accomplish so much this year! We are grateful for your commitment to sustaining and enhancing our community through valuable art programs. Thank you for your direct involvement in our organization and in making our community a special place to live.
Our vision is of a community in which all community members benefit from arts engagement, and every community recognizes and celebrates its aspiration and achievements through the arts. Since 1983 Methow Arts has been successful in creating programs that have brought beauty and joy to our schools, our community, our trails, our parks, and our hearts.
Over the past 10 years, Methow Arts’ education funding from federal, state, regional, and local sources has declined by 50%; we’re now at the same level of funding as we were in 2000. As a small non-profit with a broad reach, we have been able to accomplish a lot with very little, but our resources are now stretched to capacity; we have to make immediate and dramatic cuts to our offerings.
“The arts can help students become tenacious, team-oriented problem solvers,” stresses Arne Duncan, United States Secretary of Education.
An education that includes the arts has proven to strengthen problem-solving and critical thinking skills. An education that includes the arts helps students develop a better understanding and appreciation of the world around them. An education that includes the arts is a complete education.
CLICK HERE to open printable form. DONATE ONLINE through our secure Network for Good account