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Brewster 5th graders unite poetry with painting

Spring 2019

Each winter, Brewster 5th graders participate in a 5-week poetry residency, working with Methow Arts teaching poet Kelleigh McMillan. Students become familiar with “painting pictures with words” and with relating their emotions to the natural world. Each week they experiment with a different poetic concept: simile, metaphor, free verse, stanza, etc. Students write poems about their bedrooms,… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Who’s Who in TwispWorks’ Artist Studio Spaces?

Summer 2019

BUILDING 1 – The Gateway Building A love of nature and light is captured in the artwork of Mary Appfel.   Her work portrays nature through enchanted realism using paint and collage on canvas and woodblock. Shivelight Studio is open by appointment. Alchemy on Demand is a full service creative agency with a passion for clients… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

ARTscapes – Beyond the Frame: To Be Native

Spring 2019

The ARTscapes project is facilitated by Methow Arts. It is designed to activate empty commercial storefronts and vacant space in Okanogan County. ARTscapes brings more foot traffic into downtown and offers more exposure to the creative sector.  Our current program fills storefronts with images and informational posters about the work of Edward S. Curtis and BEYOND… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Unicorns and Alligators and Turtles, Oh My!

Spring 2019

by Ashley Lodato Education Director, Methow Arts Alliance The third grade animal studies program at Virginia Grainger Elementary School uses Common Core standards to integrate biology, literacy, art, and geography. Working with third grade teachers Patty Caryl, Nancy Bishop, and Amy Sullivan, students begin the process by selecting an animal and using the internet and… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Two Hours in Twisp: spring

Brought to you by the Twisp Chamber of Commerce #twispwa #visittwisp #playintwisp#winterintwisp Lucky you! You’re charging your electric car at Twisp, WA’s EV charging station at TwispWorks and now you are in possession of two unscheduled hours in which to explore this eclectic town at the base of the North Cascades. So what are you going to do… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Second Graders Create Critters of the Methow Valley

Winter 2019

by Ashley Lodato Education Director, Methow Arts Alliance When do you get to see the Methow Valley Elementary School art room filled with eagles, cougars, rattlesnakes, herons, and black widows? Second graders know the answer to this–when Bruce Morrison visits the school, that’s when. Bruce, a Twisp-based artist and teaching artist, has been leading residencies for… [Read More]

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