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Backstage with the Liberty Bell Drama Company

Spring 2019

by Ashley Lodato Education Director, Methow Arts Just imagine that you’re a high school drama class teacher in the tiny Methow Valley and you want to produce the musical “Chicago.” Your school is located in what many people would consider the middle of nowhere. Your class size is 30. The theater you’ll be performing in… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Rhubarb Cranachan

Spring 2019

These recipes are brought to you by Hannah Cordes, co-owner of Aspen Grove, author of Blue Kale Road cooking blog and Methow Arts board member. Yes, I have yet another fruit and cream dessert that I’m crazy for, and I’ve fallen rather hard.  It’s one of those “please take it away so I don’t eat the entire… [Read More]

Chicken and Lamb Soupy Stew with Hawaij

Spring 2019

Recipe by Hannah Cordes Chicken and Lamb Soupy Stew with Hawaij First of all, I appreciate the kind responses to my last post. Thank you. The past couple of months have brought about chances to plunge into new opportunities and it feels really good. Skate skiing is a blast, I’m starting a new venture on… [Read More]

Cherry Mint Shrub

Spring 2019

Recipe by Hannah Cordes With summer whispering in my ear, I’ve begun happily putting the screens back on the windows, pulling out the barbecue and digging out my flip-flops. We spent this past long weekend in the sunny Methow Valley, and even though we came back to rain I still have warm days on… [Read More]

Culinary Arts

Fall 2019

CLICK HERE to find recipes, facts, classes and more.

Arts Partners:

Students develop craft and broaden knowledge through still life composition residency

Arts Education Spotlight 2019

by Ashley Lodato, Education Director Using sketching and acrylic painting techniques fourth grade students at Methow Valley Elementary School created still life compositions through a Methow Arts Artist-in-Residence program. Teaching artist Deirdre Cassidy showed students a diversity of examples throughout art history and taught them about the nature of the content in still life compositions.… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Twisp Welcomes Winter

Winter 2018.19

Brought to you by the Twisp Chamber of Commerce#twispwa #visittwisp #playintwisp #winterintwisp When snow blankets the Methow Valley and the North Cascades Highway has been gated and closed for the season, Twisp marks your entrance to the vast winter wonderland of the eastern slopes of the North Cascades. Come visit us and enjoy winter Twisp-style.… [Read More]

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