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Methow Valley Sixth Graders Leave Legacy Through Art Room Enhancements

May 2015

by Ashley Lodato, Methow Arts Alliance Education Director Two years ago, Methow Valley fourth graders (Class of 2021)  began thinking about their legacy. When they transitioned from the elementary school two years hence, they wanted to leave the school with a gift for the generations of students behind them. Guided by parent and Methow Conservancy… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Confluence Gallery: Call to Artists

DEADLINE: Aug 15, 2015

Confluence Gallery invites you to contribute to the exhibit “Mythology” at the gallery in Twisp, WA. The show will open on October 10th and will run thru November 13th. What is myth? There is no one definition since myths serve many different purposes. Originally, the purpose was to explain the inexplicable. Since the beginning of… [Read More]

Winning T-Shirt Design Announced

Congratulations goes to Jennifer McGill –the WINNER of our Twisp T-shirt Contest! T-shirts available soon. Contact us at for information and to place your order. Twisp Mayor Soo Ing-Moody emphasized how many innovative designs were submitted and her appreciation for all of the applicants’ hard work. “We appreciate the great thought that went into… [Read More]

Summer Camp Guide for Kids

Summer 2015

There are so many great options to keep kids busy and engaged during the beautiful Methow Summer. See more information about all the opportunities below: Young Adult Art Intensive: Jun 24-26 Primitive Skills Camp: Jun 22-25 Pipestone Music Camp: Jul 27-31 Drama Camps at the Merc: 2 Sessions Jul 6-10, Aug 17-21 Art Camps at… [Read More]

Young Writers’ Celebration and Conference at Methow Valley Elementary School

Thu, June 1, 2017, 5:30-7pm

As the school year draws to a close, the excitement is palpable at Methow Valley Elementary School. Students are thrilled by the prospect of summer, true, but they’re also eager to participate in the upcoming Young Writers’ Conference, which engages students in writing activities, including attending seminars of their choice presented by adult writers, artists,… [Read More]

Arts Partners:

Public Art Map, Methow Valley

Methow Arts Public Art Map

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS an interactive map on Google. Remember to click on the markers for images, artist information and descriptions.

Arts Partners:

CALL TO ARTISTS. Methow Valley Artists Studio Tour Sept 19/20, 2015

Deadline May 23rd, 2015

Presented by Confluence Gallery & Art Center, Methow Arts Alliance and TwispWorks: Artist Studio Tour 2015 CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION This year’s Methow Valley Studio Tour will take place September 19-20. CLICK HERE to access an overview of the event and the artist application. For those who have been involved in the past, you’ll notice… [Read More]

Arts Partners: , ,

Design by Nature: Wil Chandler’s Gallery Night

Gallery Night- Thu May 14, 2015, show dates May 1-30, 2015

Liberty Bell High School senior Wil Chandler’s senior project–an exhibit of nature prints– can be seen throughout the month of May in the creekside room of the Rocking Horse Bakery in Winthrop. On Thursday, May 14th from 3-6PM, Wil will host a” meet the artist event” with food. Those who wish to bid on Wil’s prints may do so; all proceeds will… [Read More]

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