Cultural Convention: Advocating for Washington-North Central
Wed, June 10th at 1pm
Inspire Washington understands that we need to unite now, more than ever, to renew our spirit and provide meaningful opportunities for connection after months of disruption and distance. The need to share information and organize for advocacy now is crucial. With that in mind Inspire Washington is launching virtual statewide regional constituent meetings.
At these virtual meetings, Inspire Washington will share information about current relief efforts, opportunities coming up later in 2020, and how you can be involved in shaping policy, supporting public and government outreach, and collaborating with peers throughout Washington’s cultural sector. Inspire Washington wants to hear your stories and perspective and need input on urgent needs and questions we’re all facing.
Join Methow Arts and Inspire Washington for the first virtual statewide meeting on June 10th at 1pm. For tickets, click on the following LINK.