Methow Conservancy’s 1st Tuesday Program: Tour of the Methow’s Native Plants

Jun 7, 7-8:30pm

MC_1st_June Join local native plant enthusiasts in celebrating the Methow Valley’s native plants. Explore with local botanists George Wooten, Dana Visalli, Anaka Mines, Rosalee de la Forêt and Rob Crandall as they share the wonders of the native plant world.  Learn about pollination strategies, plant families, cultural uses, lichens, native landscaping and more.  People 21 and over can also enjoy “native” cocktails!  FREE.

DATE: Jun 7, 7-8:30pm. LOCATION: Native Plant Garden, Methow Valley Interpretive Center, TwispWorks. INFO: Methow Conservancy, 996.2870 or