Mosiac Mojo Hat Workshop

April 19 & 26, 12-2pm, 2014

Leunnamedarn to knit this fun hat featuring a pinwheel top in garter stitch, and mosaic-pattern band with a rolled edge finish. Knowledge of knit and purl stitching is necessary, and participants will be taught this special kind of slip-stitch patterning.

DATES: Apr 19 and 26, 12-2pm. FEE: Free with $38 hat kit available at Twisted Knitters (one handpaint yarn, one solid yarn, and pattern); $20 if you provide your own yarn (fee includes pattern). LOCATION: Twisted Knitters @ TwispWorks, 502 S Glover St., Twisp. CONTACT: Susan Hamer, Twisted Knitters, 509.997.0233,

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