Returning the Bones- At the Merc

Fri-Sat, Nov 7-8, 7pm, 2014

MP.Gin HammondFall14The Merc’s continues its Solo Performer Series with this presentation of Gin Hammond’s Returning the Bones. Based on Gin own family’s true story, she plays 28 characters with multiple dialects as she explores subjects of race, family and dreams. In 1948 in a small southern town, a young African-American medical student is faced with the question of continuing the fight for Civil Rights or escaping to Paris to live the life she’s always dreamed. At times both funny and poignant, Gin takes us on a journey of many miles, perspectives and epiphanies.

Gin Hammond is a Harvard University/Moscow Art Theater grad and a certified teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework. She has performed in shows around the country, including in Washington D.C. where she won the Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Lead Actress for the performance of The Syringa Tree. She previously appeared at The Merc as part of the Madcap Melodrama ensemble.


DATES: Friday & Saturday, November 7 & 8, 7pm. TICKETS: $15/Adults, $5/Youth 18 & under. LOCATION: The Merc Playhouse, Twisp. CONTACT: 509.997.PLAY (7529)